Governance – good corporate governance
Arp-Hansen Hotel Group’s key activity is building, developing and running hotels in Copenhagen and Aarhus. The company thus has approx. 22% of the room share in Copenhagen and approx. 14% in Aarhus. The company aims to be one of the leading hotel companies in these markets.
At Arp-Hansen Hotel Group, good corporate governance is an umbrella for, among other things, our efforts in the area of the environment and health and safety at work. The other two sides of the ESG triangle.
Room to invest in the right solutions
A healthy and well-run foundation
But there’s a lot more to it than that. Above all, is running a healthy and profitable business, so there is room to invest in the right solutions.
This applies, for example, to sustainable construction, which has played a crucial role in the establishment of the group’s luxury hostel Next House Copenhagen.
Throughout the construction process, creating minimal climate impact in both the establishment phase and the subsequent operation has been a focal point. The goal is a top-class DNGB certification. In the DGNB system, a building is evaluated based on six main areas: Environmental quality, Economic quality, Social quality, Technical quality, Process quality and Area quality.
The right solutions also apply to the purchase of less energy-intensive machinery, which is often more expensive to buy than the more energy-consuming variants. This is only possible if the business is sound and financially well-run.
Recruitment and retention
Investing in education and training
Another very important area is the Group’s ongoing investment in education and training. This is directly linked to efforts to recruit and retain the best employees in the industry.
Delivering the best hospitality customer experiences requires employees who are just as motivated as they are well trained. Creating motivation and job satisfaction requires very good management, which requires ongoing investments in educating and training the Group’s managers.
Ethics, working environment and diversity
Human rights, employee involvement and employee composition
On a more general ethical level, the company operates in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This is specified in various policies and follow-up measures.
In the area of health and safety, work is ongoing and controlled with workplace assessments and safety groups, which is done with the direct involvement of the employees. This is to ensure that we can get right up close to any challenges and can solve them together.
The company works actively to create and ensure a broad employee composition across gender, age, ethnicity and faith. For the same reason, we have joined the Danish Chamber of Commerce's Diversity Pact. The Pact presents a number of concrete recommendations for initiatives that can promote diversity. Furthermore, it provides a forum for sharing and receiving knowledge and experience from other companies.